Community Council meeting summary 2022-03-13

Hey everyone,

Here is a (late) summary of the GOSH Community Council meeting on March 13, 2022

Sharing updates from the following “Council-backed Working Groups.”

Council-backed Working Groups are Working Groups that are anchored by a particular Council member who shares their authority with the Working Group to collaboratively develop protocols for distributing resources:

  • Gathering WG: Soft launch. Translation to Spanish next step. Waiting on design assets from local designer. Looking to hire translators and videographers/photographers to document event
  • Regional Funding WG: Round 2 applications still open until 2022-03-25
  • Collaborative Development WG: Sent out list of projects for funding to Jenny and Shannon. Due diligence phase for other projects starting soon.
  • Listening WG: In the process of listening and doing outreach to community. Survey shared.

Next community call: March 21st at 13:00 UTC. Featuring OurSci and Community Creativity for Development.

Discussion focused on dates and length for spring break for council.