CfA Re-thinking Cultures of Research

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Interdisciplinary International Graduate Summer School

The Miguel Sánchez‐Mazas Chair (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU), the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS, KIT Karlsruhe) and the The Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research at RWTH Aachen University will be hosting an International Summer School for PhD students, titled “The transformation challenge: Re-Thinking cultures of research”. The Summer School is part of the 42nd edition of the UPV/EHU Summer Courses in Donostia-San Sebastián.


Aim & Main Topics

The aforementioned indications of problematization can be precisely illuminated through the lens of the concept of “cultures of research” (Knorr Cetina 1999). More precisely, this summer course will be addressing the following question: To what extent are cultures of research and their legitimizing basis changing and to what extent is their change an expression of transformative changes in society?
Based on the analysis of those interrelationships, the summer course will address the following issues (without exhaustion):

  • Transformation of science: What changes are emerging within science itself? How can these be characterized as changes in cultures of research?
  • Transformation through science: Science is considered as a major driver of transformation. What phenomena and examples can be used to illustrate this hypothesis?
  • Science in the midst of transformation: Social change is seen as an essential strand of solutions in so-called “grand challenges”. Which forms of transformation and which forms of science correlate?
  • Overall: How do these strands of transformation interact with each other? Do different varieties of science emerge depending on where problem-solving processes take place? What does this implicate for the transformative challenge of, and for, science on interregional, international-global and intercultural scales?



The Summer School is open to PhD students at various stages of progress in their dissertation project. Please apply by sending us, at the latest by January 15th 2024, an abstract of max. 3.000 characters outlining your PhD project and in particular the background to the problem discussed, research questions as well as the methods and theoretical approaches to be adopted, together with a CV.
Please send your suggestions to Bettina-Johanna.Krings∂ Applicants will receive notification of acceptance by February 4th 2024.
Participation in the course is free of charge. Unfortunately, the organizers cannot cover any travel or accommodation costs. We would like to draw your attention to national sponsorship institutions like the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in the case of Germany, who offer training course scholarships for students. In some cases, there might be the option of sponsorship by KIT (KHYS). Please contact your university’s international office for further information on scholarships available in your country.


Stefan Böschen (RWTH/Käte Hamburger Kolleg Cultures of Research), Andoni Ibarra (UPV/EHU), Bettina‐Johanna Krings (ITAS/KIT), Andreas Lösch (ITAS/KIT), and Hannot Rodríguez (UPV/EHU).