Call of project (Bresil-Cameroon)

Hi family,
I am looking to someone in Brazil which will be interested to submit a project with us in Cameroon.
The deadline is 31 May.

Dear @thomasmboa, I’ll look for potential partners and let you know. The deadline is tight… do you already have an idea what you’d like to do?

Thanks dear @efeefe, I am looking to something in the field of Open Science and Hardware. It can be a collaboration between one university in Brazil and University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon) to run workshops or to elaborate the curriculum in OSH for newly launched African Institute of Open Science and Hardware.

Hay @thomasmboa! How are you?
I’d love to help. I have some people in mind (even me) I’m my University that could help. I am not sure if there’s time enough to arrange that though.
Do you think we could chat further?

Let me know!

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Of course, we can chat…