Call for submissions and editors - new Educational Open Hardware section at the Journal of Open Hardware

Hello GOSHers,

As you may have heard at GOSH 2018 or seen on twitter recently,

our community journal launched an educational section!

We often came across projects in the past that innovate with their educational approach rather than their open hardware on it’s own. The new section provides a review and communication space for those many open hardware projects. Manuscripts submitted to the Educational Hardware Section are simply published in our journal along with all other papers (reviews, hardware designs, and Issues in Open Hardware papers focusing on economics, sociology, legal aspects, etc.); submissions can be hardware designs (backed up with pedagogic homework!) or research papers focusing on the pedagogic context of open hardware.

Check out the first published paper in the educational section:

To facilitate this section, we would also like to extend our editorial board with community members who have experience (practical or academic theory) in education. We want to ensure that educational projects published in the journal have a tested pedagogic strategy, and we need your help to advice the teams behind the submissions to our journal in order to achieve the best possible status! Please get in touch.

@unixjazz @rpez @jcm80 @rbowman etc.

Please approach us (the editorial board) with ideas or drafts of your work. We believe that helping educational projects become significantly better (as part of editorial advice and the review process) and publishing it (making it more visible, and official part of the academic dialogue) will help to further the goals of educational Open Hardware projects in the community!

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