Call for book chapters - "Open Movements: Recognizing Challenges and Building Connections"

I just saw this shared in the Turing Way community (warning: Google Docs link):

Call for Chapter Proposals: Open Movements - Recognizing Challenges and Building Connections

Proposal Deadline: December 20th, 2023

Submit your proposal:

You are invited to submit an abstract for a chapter in an upcoming edited book with the working title, Open Movements: Recognizing Challenges and Building Connections.


Over the past decade, general discussions about Openness have fragmented to bring closer attention to topics like open source, open science, open data, open access, open education, and other themes of Open. This fragmentation has enabled more nuanced discussions about the unique aspects of each of these movements and their related communities, bringing about a “boom” in their development.

As these individual movements have built internally consistent communities, they have necessarily become distanced from one another’s shared goals and values. This evolution has led to great developments. However, this distancing has also led to duplicated efforts, miscommunication, and even enmity between members of some open movements. Even within an organization, the lead for one open initiative* might find themselves at odds with another when their distinct but related work is either conflated or siloed.

In order to better understand both the commonalities in our work and the unique differences, this edited volume seeks to bring together experts from across open movements to discuss the connections and differences between their work, from practical examples of current workflows to hypothetical discussions about how we might effectively collaborate for more sustainable change.

*Note: Here we use “open initiative” to refer to an institutional or organizational program to advance a specific open goal, whereas “open movements” refers to the wider communities which advance this work.

The editors encourage proposals from individuals with an array of identities, perspectives, scholarly and professional experiences, and working in organizations of various types and sizes around the world.

This volume will be published both in print and as an open access electronic version by ACRL.

@briannaljohns: Newsletter item?