Call for abstracts: Low Cost Instrumentation - Empowering Science in Developing Countries

Dear all,

Some of you may miss the opportunities to present your work in GOSH2017 or you wish to have another chance to showcase your progress. Here is another opportunity in a scientific conference (International Materials Research Congress 2017) to show some of the open-source/low-cost hardwares.

I am helping organising a symposium: Low Cost Instrumentation symposium at IMRC 2017 (Cancún, México, August 20-25, 2017).

The proposed symposium is a new topic, that we hope would become a regular feature at materials science and physics conferences, dedicated to recent scientific achievements in low-cost instrumentation. It is intended to showcase real-world problems and the most ingenuous solutions across the world. Tutorials and demo activities will give hands-on insights and resources for aspiring innovators. More details at: XXVI International Materials Research Congress

Stories like Prakash Lab’s 50-cent microscope “foldscope” and Whitesides lab’s paper-based diagnostic tool are exciting and inspiring, but more researchers dealing with low-cost innovations should have a platform to present their achievements. The symposium aims to empower scientists with available open platforms and connect scientists with social DIY maker movements. Bridging social innovation and science captures novel opportunities for shared inspiration, engagement of the bottom billion, and providing with technology solutions for everyone.

We encourage you submit abstracts at the link above by the April 7 deadline. We appreciate you using e-mail, but also social media (Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter) to promote it.

Tianheng Zhao
PhD candidate in Chemistry Department
University of Cambridge