Dear GOSH Community,
On behalf of the GOSH Ambassador Program WG, I am thrilled to announce the selection of ten outstanding individuals who will serve in the first and inaugural cohort of the GOSH Ambassador Program! We had 24 excellent applicants to the program, and I am proud of and congratulate the achievements of everyone who applied.
We are so excited to share that the following ambassadors, listed alphabetically, were chosen for their strong connections to relevant open science hardware networks, values, and experience working in communities. Please join us in congratulating our inaugural GOSH Ambassadors!
- Alejandro Carrillo Gómez (@AlexDeYucatan)
- Amarthya Shree Nagendrapandian (@Amarthya)
- Aurora Adwubi Agyemang (@Auri)
- Chun Lin (@e-clin)
- Derek W. Ren (@derekren)
- Ebuka Ezeike (@ebuka)
- Mbunzama Narcisse (@Narcisse)
- Ratiranjan Senapati (@ratiranjan)
- Samuel Boadu Duah (@Samuel)
- Tobias Wenzel (@MakerTobey)
About the Review Process
The review process was completed by a group of 12 reviewers, with one who dropped out. Every application was reviewed 5-6 times, and all reviewers were given a clear rubric selection criteria. Applicants were ranked based on their average score, and the shortlist of ambassadors was sent to the GOSH Community Council for final approval.
The review process was designed as a transparent community process; however, we learned a few things from this process and would like to change in future rounds. We have collected feedback from reviewers on how to improve the review process for future rounds here.
You can view the detailed selection and review process in the call for applications.
For more information on the GOSH Ambassador Program, please visit the GOSH Ambassador Program category on the forum or check out our program framework.
Thank you!