2024 GOSH Book Club Meetings

Hello GOSH Community!

I am creating a new thread to discuss the GOSH Book Club meetings for this year. These informal social events happen every 2-3 months and are a great way to catch up with each other and read about topics of interest to us!

Our next meeting is happening on March 12 at 10 am UTC, and we will be discussing The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation by Cory Doctorow. Anyone is welcome to join, no matter how far you make it through the book :slight_smile:.

We will be meeting via this link.

Reading List & Forum Group

You can access the book club’s reading list here - feel free to add your contributions to it!

You are also welcome to join our 2024 book club group on the forum, where we chat about scheduling meetings and other practical matters related to hosting the meetings.



Hi everybody!

This is a reminder that the next Book Club meeting is happening next week, on March 12 at 10 am UTC! We will be discussing The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation by Cory Doctorow. Anyone is welcome to join, and we will be meeting via this link!

Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions before the meeting!

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Hi all!

The next GOSH Book Club meeting will take place in a few hours, at 10 am UTC, and you are welcome to join us via this meeting link!

We will discuss The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation by Cory Doctorow. If you would like to bring any questions/comments to the meeting, feel free to add them to this pad.

-Bri :slight_smile:

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Sure, I will join a bit late, got another meeting.

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Unfortunately I can’t join today - I hope you have a really interesting discussion (am sure you will!)

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Hi all!

Thanks to those who joined yesterday’s book club meeting; it was another great discussion!

For the next reading, we decided to switch things up and read a book unrelated to open hardware. We are deciding between the following two books:

I’m sharing a poll below so that we can pick the next book to read! I’ll keep it open to responses until the start of next week.

  • Stories of Your Life and Others
  • I Contain Multitudes
0 voters


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yes @briannaljohns it was a great discussion, and also the viewpoints of @saadcaffeine and @hpy . It was my first GOSH Book Club meeting. I enjoyed a lot.

I have submitted my poll.

Best regards,

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Oooh, both choices sound so interesting! I have voted but would be happy to read either (and hope to join next meeting after missing the last one)

Same here, happy with both books, though for me “Stories of Your Life and Others” might be easier because it’s a collection of stories, so even if I don’t finish the whole book, I can read some of the individual stories. :slight_smile:

Hi all!

The next GOSH Book Club Meeting will be at 4 pm UTC on June 18th! There’s been lots of interest in both books, so we will discuss them at the meeting, and people can read one or both if they would like.

I have added the call to the GOSH Calendar.

Hope to see some of you there!