Here are some notes from today’s hangout. Please feel free to edit/add anything that I missed. Sorry to anyone who tried to join but was unable (e.g., I know there was a mixup due to daylight savings time ).
Our next scheduled hangout is in 2 weeks (we typically meet on Tuesdays at 11am ET), but since there are some new people joining, we thought it might be a good idea to see if this is still the best day/time . I made a poll for the week of the next meeting. If you are interested in coming to this or future meetings, please cast a vote
in the doodle poll.
I realize that these times may not be ideal for people outside of the Americas/Europe/Africa, so if anyone would like to participate but none of the listed times/days are convenient, please let me know and we can see about adding a second time slot (maybe in alternate weeks?).
Jeff McBride put together a proposal for a board definition design. For anyone interested in DMF software, please review and add any comments/questions to the doc. We can discuss at the next meeting.
Thanks and look forward to seeing people again in a couple of weeks!