$12,000 Global Health Supply Chain Research Challenge

Hi all! Reposting the following opportunity I found on the IoP Alliance Forum:

Link to the call for proposal: 2023 Global Health Supply Chain Research Challenge

Text below copied from here: https://www.ictworks.org/seed-grants-supply-chain-research-ideas/

Global Health Supply Chain Research Challenge

The 2023 Global Health Supply Chain Research Challenge seeks proposals from individuals or organizations with education or experience in health supply chains and pharmaceutical management that focus on one or more of our key supply chain themes:

  • Data-Driven Supply Chains
  • Supply Chain Sustainability and Self-Reliance
  • Innovative Scalable Solutions
  • Supply Chain Risk Management and Resiliency

The Challenge will provide small seed grants of up to $12,000 to the authors of the top submission(s)that focus on proposals that do one or more of the following within low- and middle-income countries (LMICs):

  • Study challenges or best practices of using data to drive decisions within health supply chains.
  • Evaluate the root causes or innovative approaches for reaching the last mile and designing people-centered health supply chains.
  • Analyze barriers and propose approaches to increase health supply chain sustainability and self-reliance.
  • Study the effectiveness and efficiency of existing health supply chains and pharmaceutical management programs.
  • Evaluate and provide recommendations for health supply chain risk management best practices that build resiliency.

The principal investigator team must include at least one person from a LMIC.

Apply Now ! Deadline is October 15, 2023

Hi All

I’m working on a proposal with some collaborators around distributed manufacturing of (open!) reagents as a route to self-reliance for molecular diagnostics. We’re looking at this aim: analyze barriers and propose approaches to increase health supply chain sustainability and self-reliance.

The project will be more supply chain-centric than open source-centric, but if anyone is interested in this topic and has education or experience in health supply chains and pharmaceutical management (as requested in the grant) then reach out and I can add you in to discussion.


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