Hi, I hope you are all good.
Now that the date of GOSH_2018 has been announced, it might be a good idea to start posting events taking place prior & after GOSH in SZ for people to plan a better the trip. Please post here any event you feel might be relevant to the community. Thanks!
hoied mitenand,
in fact we have started to set up a google calendar quite a while ago, but havent really actively filled it up yet.
but let’s do it now!
LOL, just created a topic for events to be featured in the Blog. This is for SZ area only right?
Pre-GOSH residency at X-factory?
OK,thanks. I think this is a right thinking in the right direction.
9 posts were split to a new topic: post-GOSH: FIRST PUBLIC LAB CHINA BARNRISING
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: post-GOSH: FIRST PUBLIC LAB CHINA BARNRISING
Playaround 2018 - Post Science Fiction, Taipei | 15-19. Oct
Happy to announce another event (kinda nearby) to be held from 15-19. October in Taipei City, Taiwan. it’s kinda 2 hours flight away, but might be interesting for some of our participants.
For 10 years I have been involved as a mentor for playaround, a 5 days collaborative workshop for people of broad backgrounds, introducing various creative DIY and open source tools for artists and designers, and developing as a team a prototype installation/performance/art work with the newly learned and shared skills.
More information will be available later in August. Participation will be free, travel and accommodation you will have to sort out yourself.
Mostly overlapping…
In shanghai there is the Maker Carneval 12-14. October.
We will anounce the program and the call for application in 10 days… so if you are still flexible in your travel (it’s in Taipei) planning and want to join in a more in-depth educational and production experience… stay tuned.
"Focusing on the spirit of Do It Yourself and Open Culture in its fifth edition and also its 10th anniversary program, this workshop is an intensely parallel and collaborative workplace of mediating the creative use of FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) and DIY practices to an audience of young students and emerging artists of diverse backgrounds. It combines the knowledge of creation and open distribution of new media technologies and contemporary art practices in a socially responsible and relevant context. "
Hi @dusjagr is this still happening, can I participate in some way?
yes! an in fact we are still searching for participants!
most info is here on fbook:
and here:
Having great fun ballooning and prototyping. Follow our documentation here: