Welcome GOSHers!

Hi everyone. My name is Shannon Hicks, and I’m a research engineer at the Stroud Water Research Center near Philadelphia. I’ve spent most of my career combining electronics with environmental research, and my latest project is called the Mayfly Data Logger. It’s an Arduino-compatible board that has all the features needed for low-cost datalogging. We started an online community a few years ago called EnviroDIY where people can share their ideas about do-it-yourself environmental monitoring. We are also busy with several major citizen science initiatives where we are helping watershed groups to build and deploy stream monitoring stations, and we teach hands-on workshops to students and other groups about working with open source technology and using it for environmental research. I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone else at GOSH and finding out more information about the exciting projects that have been mentioned so far.

Hey there, I am a researcher and activist living in Jerusalem, and an organiser at Public Lab.
My research interests are in visual culture and STS and I am currently interested in open science hardware for community-based activism in human rights context. Looking forward! http://cargocollective.com/hagitkeysar

hoied mitenand,

already on the way to santiago… wating a couple of hours here in tokyo narita airport. on my way from taipei. but who am I?

My name is Marc, also known as dusjagr, and I have been part of the team of co-organizers of GOSH in 2016 “representing” the Swiss scene of DIY enthusiasts and Open Coconuts. Find out more about myself on this website

Formerly trained as a scientist, i left academic research about 10 years ago, where i was involved in hybrid interphases geeking around with nanofabrication tools and biological surface interaction for use as cell-based biosensors. but besides a bunch of pee-reviewed papers not much came out… these lab-on-a-chip devices are still just futurist’s dreams and printing of human tissue rarely any use beyond the si-valley VC hyposphere.

meanwhile i focused mostly on educational activities and (cross-)cultural facilitation from DIY electronics to bio/art/hack. This has lead to the foundation of Hackteria | Open Source Biological Art, a global network of similar minded enthusiasts on creating access to tools and know-how to allow everybody to enter the field of biology in any creative way. the network has since it’s foundation in India grown mostly in the European streets and djungles of (sub-)tropical Asia. And i am very happy to see so many people that crossed our path participating at GOSH.

Within the activities of hackteria, i have been personally very involved in creating instructions to build low-fi tools for doing science in your kitchens, DIY microscopes and other generic laboratory infrastructure. together with my good friend and partner in crime urs, GaudiLabs, we tried to document as good as possible to allow more people to enter the biohackers and open science movements.

the last few weeks, i have been again deeply developing some new low-cost tools and printed circuit boards. i have been posting on other topics in this forum before. i hope i can share my new experience in “co-designing” creative hardware using my new kit “diy-CAD” for the Gär Lämpli - 發酵小燈.

i think it could be a great tool to share the core-principles of open science hardware and re-design for manufacturing to our next generation (and old fellows will like it aswell). is it for science? i don’t know… i added a temperature sensor.

looking forward to meet you all!
please be patient if i am out of my mind. 45 hours of travel and hanging around at airport does something weird to me…


My name is David Bild and I’m an educator working at the Chicago Academy of Sciences / Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. Among other things, I run the [Nature Museum TEENS] (http://naturemuseum.org/schools-and-teachers/teens) program, an out-of-school time environmental science and urban ecology program for Chicago public high school students. I also teach part-time at DePaul University (Env Ed) and am fairly involved in [Hive Chicago Learning Network] (http://hivechicago.org/) and a couple other Mozilla things.

In the Nature Museum TEENS program, youth contribute to existing citizen science projects, and then develop and conduct locally-focused, interest-driven research projects using low-cost and DIY environmental sampling methods. Teens design protocols and mobile data collection forms, collect data for their projects, and contribute to peers’ projects. They analyze data and create media-rich digital maps and other data visualizations that are posted on thier [project websites] (https://naturemuseumteens.wordpress.com/home/summer2016/).

Through the program, we’re hoping to develop 21st century skills, STEM literacy, and an open science ethos among participants. While some of my teens have tried to build environmental sensors and camera traps using arduino and raspberry pi, I’ve struggled to find accessible curricular resources to guide them through the process (I’m a novice). Other than that, I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone in a few days!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Alejandro. I’m professor at University of Buenos Aires and researcher at CONICET, working on structural biochemistry, proteins and DNA. I’m pushing synthetic biology in the region through courses and igem.org teams. Since last year we created TECNOx.org to promote and consolidate a network of technologist in Latin America, focused in solving regional problems with accessible (open) technologies. With a group of students we developed an arsenic biosensor for drinking water based on modified bacteria (See our poster and/or http://www.sensar.com.ar/ [in Spanish]). With a couple of collaborators we intend to promote 3D content, through the use of physical models and virtual reality in teaching at the university (in progress).

I’m interested in sci-art projects and am part of Proteus group (that presents a poster at GOSH http://introversiondogmatica.wordpress.com/). I’m very interested in regional integration and development.

I’m amazed on the grate group of people participating of GOSH and think I have a lot (a lot!) to learn. I’m very interested in community building and ways to promote open hardware to help people in the region to solve it’s problems.

Cheers, Ale.

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Hello :slight_smile:

I am an artist, trained in material sciences and molecular bioengineering.

In my art practice I use open hardware and open software to address questions on transgender futurism, technology, surveillance, ecosystems, intersectional feminism and progress.

Technical skills include Medical Devices and Microscopy of Biological samples.

I am based in Cologne, Germany.

Hi everyone!

My name is Julieta Arancio, I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I’m currently doing my phD in Social Studies of Science and Technology at CENIT/STEPS América Latina. My research is about finding out if there’s an Open Hardware movement in Latin America, its specifics, and in which way it may be related to a different way of producing goods and addressing problems of local communities. Besides, I got a background in environmental science and I’m particularly interested in the crossing between Open HW and Agroecology. I’m also a feminist and a musician, so that’s embedded in everything I do :sunny: .

I’ll probably try to interview some of you about your projects, if you’d like to share your experience with me, I’d be really grateful!


Hello @zsamora! I’m Pierre Padilla. I’m working in a new biohackerspace in Lima, Peru. I’m also part of SyntechBio, a Latam network of biohackerspaces. I hope to meet you soon and talk about biohacking movement.


Pierre P.

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Hi All

I’m Jenny Molloy and I’m a co-organiser of GOSH 2017. I work at the University of Cambridge as Coordinator for a research centre called OpenPlant and an internal Synthetic Biology Strategic Research Initiative. My day job is building the synthetic biology community in Cambridge and accessing grant funding opportunities, but I’m lucky enough to have found a community here that is deeply interested in exploring open tools required for building with biology, whether that is hardware, wetware, software, data or legalware! I try to help them however I can.

I’m a molecular biologist by training and my doctorate was in genetic control of the dengue vectors Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti. As an undergraduate, I got involved as a founding member of the Open Knowledge Foundation Open Data in Science Working Group (as it was then) and that led me to a whole world of adventures and friends, including first getting properly interested in hardware through a fantastic presentation by Rafael Pezzi and Denisa Kera in South Africa and then meeting my fellow GOSH 2016 organisers.

Right now I’m really interested in the role and impact of open science and open IP in biological research and innovation and I’m trying to find time in the day to learn more about how to test that and get my scientist-mind wrapped around social science and economics. I’ve been working for more openness in a small way for nearly ten years now and I really want some hard evidence to back up my unwavering belief that open is a good thing (in many contexts).

In my ‘spare time’ I’m a founding Director of the Cambridge-based non-profit organisations ContentMine (producing open source software for text mining scientific papers) and Biomakespace (a community laboratory for engineering with biology).

I’m really looking forward to meeting you all :smiley:

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Hey everyone!

I’m Bengt Sjölén - an independent hacker, artist and (almost) biochemist/molecular biologist. I’m from Sweden, based partly in Stockholm and partly in Berlin.

My primary tool is code and I tend to do everything I do with code, be it parametric designs of physical objects to be machined, circuit board designs or code generating code for data processing, and parts for bio-lab equipment.

I collaborate through many different networks: Weise7(my studio in Berlin), Critical Engineering Working Group, Aether Architecture when it comes to art projects, Hackteria and the digital biology crowd when it comes to biology, Teenage Engineering, Moodelizer and Automata for commercial projects.

With me, amongst other things, I’m bringing a little circuit board prototype called UPDN which is a Up-Down-converter that can shift frequences between 0 and 6 GHz. Essentially you can plug this in front of a wifi card or a rtlsdr DVB-T stick and extend it’s range up to 6 GHz. I designed it for the next iteration of this project:


where we want to have an open-source cheap reproducible platform to map the electromagnetic spectrum between earth and space - an art project that looks at the geo-political aspects of the radio spectrum. The added value is that it could be used to build a cheap spectrum analyzer - still a few things to iron out before it is useful though I fear…

Looking forward to see you all!


Hi Everyone,

I am Thomas Maillart, a computational social science researcher in Geneva (and previously at UC Berkeley), interested in both collective intelligence and cyber risks. I am setting up a social bio-sensory lab, which aims is to perform social science experiments in natural environments (e.g., in makerspaces :slight_smile: ) to better address questions related to collective performance in relation with social status, including, but not limited to gender inequalities.

Because most science hardware for physiological recording is closed and performs poorly regarding APIs and synchronization, I have turned to do things with stuff I understand and I can bootstrap quickly on. This sounds pretty much like open science hardware, and this is why I am around at GOSH2017.

Looking forward meeting you all,


Hi, this is Mario from Berlin. I have lived for years in Asia and co-founded FOSSASIA, where we organize Science Hack events, summits and meetups as well as develop software and hardware. I am involved in Open Tech projects for many years, deployed mesh networks in schools in Afghanistan, started Linux distributions and currently work on a number of science related projects. At Gosh I would like to connect with scientists and learn about the status of Open Tech/Open Hardware. Regarding projects I am involved in I could introduce:

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I’m Stefanie from Vienna, Austria. I’m part of an artist collective that runs a feminist hackerspace called Mz* Baltazar’s Lab. We focus on DIY projects on the intersection of arts, technology & feminism. I’m really happy about the GOSH community and hope we will meet many of you in person.

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I’m Esben from Copenhagen. I teach chemistry in high school. Three years ago I started building a Raman spectrometer, but with the current work-load at my day-job, progress has been slow.
The project is documented (in a very disorderly fashion) here:

and more well-structured here:
The Otter DIY Raman spectrometer

So far the most successful sub-project of the Raman-spectrometer is my linear CCD (TCD1304) module:

It’s essentially an open-source line-camera.

I also have a small spin-off spectrophotometer:

I hope to be able to attend GOSH some time in the future.

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HI @esbenrossel, welcome to the Forum!
I’m just writing to make a message connecting you with @vmiguel, who has also been trying to develop such an spectrophotometer. here is the repo he’s been using https://github.com/viniciusmiguel/OpenRaman?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_messaging%3BlNOIMj9dQWuCzE8U6JN9wA%3D%3D

maybe we can move this to a dedicated topic around Raman?
been looking into it and made some notes here… loooooong ago.

Hello everyone. I’m Lucas from Argentina. I’m a researcher in the faculty of engineering of the University of Buenos Aires.
My work as an undergraduate and also in my doctorate was in implementing new phase demodulation systems for optical interferometry, particularly in high-speed heterodyne systems using Software Defined Radio.


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Hello world :partying_face:

My name is Cristthian, I’m Brazilian. I have been working at CTA since early 2016, where I actively participated in organizing almost all the events that CTA organized, with e-HAL, TECNOx4.0 and reGOSH Latin America.

I have been collaborating in the development of some CTA projects, among them the ‘Micro Wind Generator’.

However, I am currently using the repository of the "Red Latino Americana de Tecnologias Libres" and focusing my work on research on regenerative (as well as sustainable) industrialization from ecosystem dynamics, new emerging economies, and custom and distributed industrial production free and open source technology projects. I’ve also been gathering materials on how we could make a free collaborative platform platform that integrates many of the features we’ve already used separately, such as git, onlyoffice, nextcloud, etc.

I am very interested in issues such as ethnic and gender equality, equality between people and “countries”, mutual agreements of good coexistence between different cultures and potention of the diversities that will empower our societies for regenerative cultures; and of course how to viralize the free and open source technologies around the world. :speak_no_evil:

I’m introducing myself just now, but I’ve been following GOSH since its origin. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

NOTE: As much as I am not a disciplined person (not limited to disciplines for complex and critical thinking) for communication level it seems valid to say that I am a student of Aerospace Engineering :flying_saucer: