Soil Chromatography to evaluate soil state

I am very excited about the soil chromatography would like to participate in the discussions. I am a biochar expert my work can be seen in this weblink

Dear Fernando,

I hope this email finds you well.

As a PhD candidate at SEPR, TU Dublin, I am currently experimenting with soil chromatography to visually explore soil and examine notions of territory, engaging with cross-border communities, such as those on both sides of the Irish/UK border in Northern Ireland.

Although my initial fieldwork (Aindreas Scholz | Soil Matters) has been promising, I am seeking to understand the long-term behaviour of soil chromas after their initial exposure to sunlight.

Specifically, I am curious whether they eventually darken and turn completely black or if the silver nitrate wears off and loses its photosensitivity, thereby permanently fixing the colour patterns.

I would greatly appreciate any insights you might have on this matter or any resources you could direct me to.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Hi Andreas
Your chromas look good :slight_smile:
We usually make some kind of digitalization (photo/scan) and then we avoid to keep them in direct light as they continue to evolve with time (darken a little). So we put them in plastic sheets in the dark
In the book of Jairo Restrepo they show a method to use paraffin to keep them… to me this is too much
Hope this helps.
Would be nice to read about how are you working with these communities

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