Hi there!
With Leslie Garcia, Paloma Lopez, Fernan Ferderici, Juan Keymer and I, we are working on an art-science investigation project. See http://interspecifics.cc/comunicacionesespeculativas/. All of this was born during a beautiful encounter @ GOSH 2017.
- We have worked on this together in the Medialab Prado in Madrid. See http://medialab-prado.es/article/taller-laboratorio-abierto-comunicaciones-especulativas-v1
- It has shaped a new research line in our lab (Keymer Lab) which is leading to more DIY and open hardware in science research. Several university students are contributing to the project, both in Chile and in China through our collaboration with Open FIESTA @ Tsinghua Graduate School at Shenzhen.
- This year Juan Keymer will teach a course on DIY bio @ PUC where the development of the AI microscope that is one of the building blocks of this project is the focus point.
Apart from the beautiful people I met, GOSH has definitely sparked the foundation of integrating art and science in a long term investigation project that before I could only dream of…