GOSH Nodes / GROLScH / Collaborative Production Events: Full Proposal

Hey all, sorry I’ve been hoping that clear funding would come through for this which is why I haven’t followed up / posted more but so far we do not have secured funding for this. I think this is an exciting idea that puts the power directly in the hands of the community. If anyone knows of possible funding sources for an idea like this please post them here!!!

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@Javier and Chris Gammel (from the Amp Hour podcast) and I were discussing the GOSH “production events” at our dinner after FOSDEM and one of the things that came up from Chris, speaking from experience of helping with the Hackaday contest, and a sentiment that seemed to be echoed by @Javier was that it will be super important to keep the problem description narrow and focused.

I think that this focus is already clear from the draft application outline, however, what could be fleshed out is the definition of how the problems themselves are sourced. For instance: it could be interesting to source the problem definition from outside GOSH from citizens and scientists. A problem that is present in the community so to speak, and then select the participants based on their skill sets rather than start with a GOSHer’s “passion project” and then select participants based on proximity.

I don’t know if it would work, but I thought it was an interesting alternative approach. What are your thoughts?

Either way I’d definitely want to help move this idea forward but at this point I am not clear on how to best do that. Hit me up with some suggestions on how I can help.

@dusjagr is organazing a collaborative, electronics and kit focused event in Switzerland towards the end of the month which I will be joining. Our focus will be to document existing and create new electronics kits of all sorts: a KitSprint. (Though I should probably let @dusjagr announce himself and explain more.)

I know @mariob is another person interested in seeing the “collaborative production events” idea develop as we managed to catch up after FOSDEM and I reminded him about what this idea was about. (@unixjazz we didn’t really manage to talk about this when we met in person but would be interested in your thoughts as well)

Wow, you met Chris Gammel? I’m a big Amp Hour fan, actually I’d like to have an Amp Hour type show for the open science hardware movement, but anyway…

Having a ‘consumer directed’ production event is an interesting idea. It adds some work in the setup phase, as you’ve got to get consumers to provide thoughtful input, but it’s certainly possible.

I love the ideas, but at this point funding is the main problem here.

So, how can I help? Are we just waiting on funding or is there something to be done?

GOSHers Latinos, we have two opportunitties here to get support for residencies in LatinoAm.
1- CELFI (to be hosted in Argentina) can cover accommodation and trips to Latino participants (1wk to 1month courses). They supported the first TECNOx and it was great (lots of full scholarships)

2- CYTED (to be hosted in 4 different countries - 4 years of funds; 25000 EUR per year max) to support networks composed of -at least- 6 of these countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela.



@ffederici I have contacts in Costa Rica, Paraguay, and Colombia which would be interested to participate. If it’s ok, please let me know, and we can contact them.

Well, the word is in and we do not have funding for production events. However, there is clear interest from a variety of folks in the community to do them, and I personally think they are a great avenue to pursue our shared goals. So basically, it’s up to us to do it ourselves… which hopefully creates more sustainable outcomes anyway since we’re not depending on centralized funding :slight_smile:

It feels to me that local funding like Fernan (awesome stuff Fernan) is the way to go. In my little universe, I am going to try to organize a single pixel camera production event here in my town, because I know I can do it cheap with low overhead and there’s clearly interest. My hope is to get participants to identify funding, and at the same time run a fairly low-overhead crowd funding campaign to cover whatever they cannot.

When we get to Shenzhen, we can tack all these items up on the wall and show collective progress via the roadmap. I think even if events are not centrally organized or funded, showing progress towards our collective roadmap means the possibility for future funding is more likely (funders like to jump on success bandwagons… investing in ‘if you fund it we will come’ projects is less exciting for them, understandably).

I made start a new thread on this topic, or perhaps a new subcategory for production event proposals, discussions, etc. Or feel free to do it yourself if I don’t.

So, my official suggestion as an organizer… go forth and rock this shit out!

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Another option for Latam is CELFI Argentina but it would have to be organized by someone in Argentina. I will talk to some people in two weeks to see if they are keen. CELFI provides funds for flights and accommodation for Latin Americans to attend (2 weeks at least). @alenadra has used this before for TECNOx. It is excellent!

Perhaps we can try Cyted and CELFI

I have been looking at the Cyted bases, If the idea is to develop a project around biohacking, open hardware and local communities I think we can fit in between two of the proposed research lines
Línea 4.2. Efectos del deterioro de la calidad ambiental en la salud
Línea 6.1. Desarrollo global de las universidades: Diseño, construcción y evaluación de capacidades innovadoras del sector académico
I’m thinking in the infrastructure to develop hardware and biosensors for environmental monitoring.
This is just a very raw idea so… what do you think?

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Hola Nano (et al)

La línea 6.1 parece ser la más abarcativa (podría incluir lo de salud ambiental y también otros temas). Especialmente estos objetivos específicos:

• Apoyar la formación de redes ibero-americanas que utilicen herramientas
novedosas (Apps, Fablabs, Incubadoras, etc.) para incrementar el intercambio crítico e productivos entre la academia y su entorno (asociaciones ciudadanas, actores empresariales, agencias públicas, etc.);
• Promover el emprendimiento pro-social desde la academia para generar
respuestas innovadoras genuinamente ibero-americanas a los grandes “retos globales”, como la pobreza infantil, la exclusión de ancianos, la desigualdad de género, el desempleo/sub-empleo joven, la competitividad tecnológica, entre otros.
Requisitos particulares de la línea:
• Es imprescindible la integración de sectores no académicos y la participación activa de investigadores jóvenes y emergentes.

Lo otro que ví es que se necesitan al menos 6 grupos de trabajo de 6 países distintos, y los requisitos para los grupos son bastante restrictivos:

  • Centros públicos de I+D: universidades públicas, organismos públicos de investigación reconocidos como tales por la Ley o cualquier otro centro de I+D dependiente de las administraciones públicas, independientemente de su forma jurídica (consorcio, fundación, etc.), y con capacidad y actividad demostrada en acciones de I+D+I.
  • Centros privados de I+D: universidades, centros tecnológicos u otras entidadesprivadas con capacidad y actividad demostrada en acciones de I+D+I.
  • Empresas públicas o privadas con capacidad y actividad demostrada en acciones de I+D+I.

Y por último… la convocatoria cierra el 25 de abril!!!


After 1 year of sleeping, I’m back :slight_smile: I Will coordinate with Fernan an initial draft to apply to CYTED under Redes Temáticas, line 6.1. The idea is to support both TECNOx and GOSH residencies. For the application we need groups (at least 2 people) in 6 CYTED countries (rgentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, República Dominicana, Uruguay and Venezuela).
People interested in participate as a node, pleas contact us.
Greetings, Ale.


@gpereyrairujo, mira, harán lo de CYTED que habías posteado

@gpereyrairujo entra en el nodo argentina :slight_smile: - Sería genial que hubiera gente de Guate o el Salvador…

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De Mendoza seríamos un par los interesados. Con Fernan pensamos q durante Tecnox nos podemos hacer un lugar para armar y tratar de cerrar esto.
Nos vemos al rato por Valparaiso


Buena idea Ale! (thanks for the heads up Paz!)
No estaría sumando un país pero sí puedo colaborar si quieren para el nodo local o ayudar en la presentación
@marinappdf @rpez @leosehn você quer participar no Brasil?


También podrían ser @biomakers_lab en Perú y @byront en Ecuador…? Entiendo que están en universidades por lo que quizás podrían sumar un nodo

De Colombia tenemos a @librepensante.org y @Julieta, y en México a @less y @paloma, pero habría que ver si tienen o pueden conseguir un link con alguna institución como las que pide cyted (un centro de I+D con capacidad bla bla bla :unamused:)

PD: buena idea Nano, nos vemos en Valpo!


Can I just say that South America is kind of kicking North America’s butt in terms of making progress on this. Come on North America, get your act together :slight_smile:

You’re all amazing!


Combining GOSH residencias and TECNOx for CYTED? Google link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J1dPZIeUonc-uArELmyK8iw7iAC1g2fJpC_eo6MdR8w/edit
@Marita tu estas en Uruguay? de ser asi, puedes ir como representante de este pais?
(thanks @alenadra)


Hi everyone!
Yes we could try and find someone.
There’s right now this initiative, in Guadalajara to make the city the new silicon valley (whatever that means, bless them) But they’re building a huge space where they my be interested in hosting us.
Still we would have to make a small research on what are the political consequences of this collaboration but we can still look elsewhere.
This institutions we are looking for would be acting as hosts or as partners?
Could you elaborate a bit on what are we expecting of their collaboration?
How did you do it in Guadalajara last time Fernán? I can’t remember.

Se necesitan grupos (minimo 2 personas) de 6 países.
Los grupos integrantes deben acreditar capacidad y actividad demostrada en acciones de
Los datos necesarios de los nodos están aca: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AEf_qrVZb2YVuZuMxv5qG4HrmU_GQBfEiWn0EaWxlE8/edit?usp=sharing
Hasta donde puedo ver, no hay que tramitar ni asumir compromisos institucionales (mas allá del de los propios grupos)