Dear Andre,
Really excited to hear that you are organising a lecture like this! I feel strongly that this should be done more.
Is the lecture happening soon? Earlier this year I organised an evening where we discussed this topic. Depending on how soon you need to have this lecture I might be able to help a little bit. BTW the material I used are under CC BY-SA 4.0 so I can send them to you if you want.
alternatives to IP/Patent etc
By this do you mean you want to talk about a world without intellectual property laws? That is an interesting topic, but the licenses you list (CCs, GNU GPL, etc.) all rely on the existence of copyright law (which is one kind of intellectual property law). There is also the issue of jurisdiction.
Another thing is that “intellectual property” is often a misnomer because it conflates and confuses different sets of rules. Typically those rules are about patents, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets, which are all different. Do you want to cover them all or just some?
their benefits/problems over classical patents
The licenses you mention deal mainly with copyright-related issues and they are less about patents (though some licenses have clauses that deal with patents, I think). And what do you mean by “classical” patents?
Sorry to sound pedantic and I hope this is not patronising!
And what kind of audience are you expecting? Are they very much the “general public” (in which case, based on my experience, you have to expect them to know next to nothing about copyright and patents)? Or are you aiming for the maker community (in which case there will be some people who think they understand but may still have many misconceptions)?
Anyway, I’d be happy to help if/when appropriate. Thanks for doing this!
- Pen
P.S. Oh and to be clear, even though I’ve been following licensing issues for many years, IANAL!