3D Glasses for Wildlife Camera Traps on Experiment.com

Thanks for the update and all the work on that @hikinghack ! It’s great to see a second deployment. Thanks also for the feedback. I hope that this initial version can prove out the stereoscopic method and justify creating a v2 with all the feedback listed here.

I have thought about the fact that the camera trap cannot be opened with the shim and zip ties in place. A solution has not presented itself yet, but we will figure something out if this method is validated.

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Second deployment has some good feedback. Primarily that the stereo mount locks in moisture against the camera lens.

So while the lenses dry after big rains fine, when i took the mount off, the lens was fully fogged over

The latest footage after a week of deployment unfortunatley didn’t catch any ocelots, but did get a blurry video of a peccary


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Would you say that sealing the stereoscope, or adding venting, would be better to combat this issue? Is there a technique that would normally be employed in the jungle?

I think maybe if it had a brim over the whole trap it would help. Lots of water went straight behind the stereoscope to the lens area including some mud and sometimes insects

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